24-Hour Carefully Grilled Seaweed > PRODUCT INFO

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24-Hour Carefully Grilled Seaweed

Richly grilled seaweed aged for 24 hours

Marinated in oil and salt for a day and grilled on an iron plate, it is seaweed full of the scent of fire,

just like the taste of home. It's a lunchbox seaweed that helps the environment by eliminating plastic.

Girin Co.

28, Galsan 5-gil, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea


Representative: Song, Joo-hyeon

Copyright(C) 바다숲. All Rights Reserved.

270-88-02191 제 2021 충남서산 0281호

Representative: Song, Joo-hyeon

Partnership : badasooop@naver.com